In the second instalment of our rewilding series, Oliver Tufft explains how adopting a harmonious relationship with nature can be a profitable endeavour. The speed with which Homo sapiens rose to the top of the food chain can be cited, anthropologically speaking, as a...
Kicking things off for the 2023 series on rewilding, Oliver Tufft tells the epic story of Gorongosa National Park. Before the Mozambican War of Independence (1964 – 1974) and the following Civil War (1977 – 1992), Gorongosa National Park, in the Great Rift Valley of...
Thoughts on nature’s own solution to the climate and biodiversity crises. Rewilding, defined by Rewilding Britain as “the large-scale restoration of ecosystems and the reinstatement of natural processes”, is a potential solution to the climate and biodiversity...