In conversation with Journeys With Purpose

In conversation with Journeys With Purpose

It is one thing to recognise our dwindling relationship with the natural world, but it is quite another to take concrete steps to rectify the situation. The Climate sat down with Duncan Grossart, founder of Journeys With Purpose, to discuss how they are reawakening...
Monday musings: Relating to nature

Monday musings: Relating to nature

As humans have become more and more developed, it seems as though we have lost the ability to connect with the natural world on a deeper, experiential level. As we have developed, our experience of nature has changed, and we are limited in how we can relate to or...
Thoughts on rewilding: The human problem

Thoughts on rewilding: The human problem

When discussing rewilding, the focus is often placed on its environmental benefits, such as enhancing biodiversity, restoring ecosystems and sequestering carbon. However, we seldom delve into the impact rewilding has on people. What role do we play in rewilding? Are...