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Here’s how the Greens can have influence

The average voter cares about the climate but doesn’t care for quite drastic spending promises. Is it time for the Greens to substitute ideology for real change?  The thing with British politics is that we tend to vote for the centre ground. While occasionally...

UK election: how well can the Green Party do?

Polls have the Green party on track to increase their representation in the House of Commons. Even small gains could increase their impact on Parliament. The Green Party of England and Wales are optimistic about the upcoming general election. In local elections...

The nature of environmental issues in India

Climate change barely got mentioned in the general election, but the environment still matters to voters in India Earlier this month, Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won the Indian general election. This secured their third consecutive term in office,...

UK election: analysis of party climate pledges

Manifestos detail the policy objectives a political party would seek to implement if given a mandate to govern by the people at a general election. They can be lengthy documents covering a broad range of policy areas. Here’s an overview of what they had to say on the...

Marine foundation species under siege: The battle against climate change

Part 1: Local vs global stressors on coral reefs and kelp forests. Marine ecosystems are vital, providing habitats for diverse wildlife and numerous benefits to human societies, including food, raw materials, climate regulation, and nutrient cycling.  The ability...

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