The non-native species label is defunct
Non-native species are often labelled as “invasive” and “foreign”, leading to their justified mass culling. But when do we say enough is enough? In wildlife conservation, mass culling of non-native species is seen as essential to protect native ecosystems. Labelling...
Strengthening green skills in the battle against climate change
The planet is getting warmer. Last year was the hottest on record, and responsibility for slowing and stopping the warming of the world lies with the entire international community. However, real progress will only be achieved if the world’s business community decides...
MIT researchers introduce “Outdoor Days” to quantify climate change impacts
Should we measure climate impacts by what they mean for people’s daily activities? In a bid to provide a tangible understanding of the effects of climate change on daily life, MIT researchers have introduced a novel measure called "outdoor days." This metric,...
Multi-Material Packaging: The issue of recyclability and brand and consumer responsibility
Packaging expert Steve Brownett-Gale of Lifestyle Packaging explains the problem of multi-material packaging, which is being used in pharma, cosmetics, food and beverage, and more. Multi-material, or multilayered packaging, has grown in popularity across multiple...
Fast fashion is the fuel for the fire
Harmless hypertrend hopping? Ellie Hammonds dives into how social media is contributing to overconsumption and short-lived fashion trends. You open up Instagram and are met by a foghorn of posts: mini dresses, boho-chic, maxi skirts, biker shorts, white tees, UGG...
Dale Vince and the battle for a green Britain
Thoughts on Dale Vince OBE, a British green energy industrialist, traveller, and author.
Sacred forests: Where conservation meets the spiritual
Sacred forests, protected by traditional beliefs for centuries, may hold the key to effective conservation management. As rich reservoirs of ancient biodiversity, sacred forests are a fascinating cultural practice that marries the spiritual with the natural world....
Why beautiful buildings could help prevent climate breakdown
Building urban landscapes that are designed to last could be key to reducing the environmental damage caused by construction. The built environment is responsible for 37% of global carbon emissions. 16% of this figure is embodied carbon, consisting of the CO2 emitted...
Fresh research explores a restorative path for the planet
Existing green growth policies are leading nowhere fast, so scientists say it’s worth exploring alternatives like degrowth to stay within planetary boundaries. This article originally appeared on Inside Climate News, a nonprofit, independent U.S.-based news...
20-minute cities that are getting it right
Would you relocate to enjoy 20-minute city life? Mountain bike enthusiast and director at Leisure Lakes Bikes, Ben Mercer, shares three major cities that are making the 20-minute city concept work. There are many reasons people may consider large-scale changes in...
We must incentivise farmers to cut their methane emissions
Founder and Chief R&D of A Healthier Earth, Alastair Collier, thinks livestock farmers should be incentivised to cut methane emissions in a similar manner to sequestering carbon — using credits. For the last 30 years, climate conversations have focused on the...
Who should take responsibility for tackling climate change?
If governments prioritise reelection, consumers want cheap convenience and businesses seek to maximise their profits, who is supposed to be leading on climate change? Among the most fundamental problems of democracy is its inherent shortsightedness. In the United...
Solutions Highlights
Plant science vs. climate change: Can carbon sequestration be improved in annual crop systems?
It's time for arable farming to join the Green Revolution. Annual cropping systems make up a large part of the farming industry, so the chance to use them to improve carbon sequestration should be taken to help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Among the...
Getting ready for the EU’s new deforestation law
What you need to know about the coming regulation. Deforestation. The word alone conjures images of the destruction of animal and human habitats and the loss of biodiversity. The impact of deforestation is sobering, but the EU has a plan to reduce its impact on the...
Strengthening green skills in the battle against climate change
The planet is getting warmer. Last year was the hottest on record, and responsibility for slowing and stopping the warming of the world lies with the entire international community. However, real progress will only be achieved if the world’s business community decides...
Pond Power: Algae’s role in ending fossil fuels
Can This Alga Finally Deliver on Biofuel's Promise? The goal of becoming independent of fossil fuel raw materials – defossilisation - is one of the biggest challenges scientists face today. We currently rely on fossil fuel feedstock to provide the raw materials for a...
Here’s what we need to do to fix the UK’s e-waste problem
Is this the new waste race to the bottom? We normally think of anything ‘fast’ connoting ‘good’. Efficient, clean, the best in industry. But when attributed to the shelf life of items containing raw materials and precious metals, ‘fast’ is leading us down an...
Traditional lawn vs wildlife meadow: an urban evaluation
Lawns feel unnatural and provide little feeling of being in nature – could urban meadows be the answer? Urban areas have been noted as a contributing factor to both the climate and biodiversity crises. Wildflower meadows can be grown to mitigate both of these...
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